Somaliland : Lion on the loose in New Hargeisa

–  Dec. 2 , 20113 – News broke out tonight that one of the lions kept at the garden of Ali Waran Ade , the minister of interior of Somaliland , escaped and is on the loose in the eastern parts of Hargeisa.


One of the lions kept by Ali Waran Ade brought out during the 18 May celebrations in Hargeisa ,Somaliland 

The news of the escaped lion spread like a wild fire and  stirred massive fear  among the residents of New Hargeisa district in the East of the capital. The oral news/rumour   mentioned that a lion escaped from a farm very close to Hargeisa dry river bed in the East of the city.
In the beginning of this year,  a lion that has escaped from  Waran Ade gardens killed a woman at the livestock market in the capital.
People living in the areas close to where the lions are kept privately by the Somaliland minister of interior have expressed their constant fear about the insecurity that these lions pose to the public in the area. Many have have expressed their fear of not being able to go to the mosques for the morning prayers  whenever the news of escaped lion emerges.
Many among the elites living in the area have requested the minister of interior to find a lasting solution to the threats posed by the lions that he keeps at his farm . They have recently  requested the Somaliland president to form a committee to ensure that the areas close to where the lions are kept is save for the public to live peacefully in their dwellings.

Translated from Somali by Medeshi
Read in Somali :

Dad Weynaha Ku Dhaqan Magaalada Hargeysa Oo Cabsiyi Kala Soo Deristay, Warar Sheegaya In Mid Ka Mid Ah Libaaxyada Waran Cade Uu Baxsaday.

December 2, 2013 |
Hargeysa:(SM) Bulshada ku dhaqan magaalada Hargeysa ayaa ilaa iyo caawa isla dhex marayay war sheegaya in uu baxsaday mid ka mid Libaaxyada lagu hayo beerta Cali Warancade. Maaha markii ugu horaysay ee war noocan oo kale ah ay bulshadu isla dhex marto. Sanadkii laba kun iyo siddeedii waxaa libaax ka fakaday beerta lagu hayo, uu qudha ka jaray gabadh maraysay xaafada Saylada ee magaalada Hargeysa. Waxaa caawa bulshada ku dhaqan xaafada Bariga Hargeysa isla dhexmarayaan in uu uu baxsaday mid ka mid ah libaaxyada ku xidhan beer ku taala qarka dooxa ee xaafada New Hargeysa.

Dadweynaha ku dhaqan agagaarka goobta lagu hayo libaaxyada ayaa sheegay in marka ay maqlaan war sheegaya baxsi libaax ay ku abuuranto cabsi aad u badan, oo suurtogal ka dhigta in ay dadku ka baqaan in ay masaajidka ku soo tukadaan salaada subax. Waxgarad ka mid ah dadka degaanka ayaa ka codsadday Xukuumada Somaliland gaar ahaan Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha  in uu wax ka qabto cabsida joogtada ah ee ay ku hayaan libaaxyadiisu. Geesta kale waxay madaxweyne Siilaanyo ka dalbadeen in uu si dhakhso ah u magacaabo, gudi soo derista goobta lagu hayo libaaxyada in ay tahay mid suurtogal ka dhigi karta in ay bulshadu si aan cabsi lahayn ugu noolaan karaan xaafadahooda.

Xigasho Oodweynenews