[DAAWO/SAWIRO:-]Xisbiga WADDANI oo Tartan Ciyaareed ay Ku Daah-fureen Hargeysa Ku Muujiyey Mudaharaad Salmi ah oo ay Kaga Soo Horjeedaan Xadhiga Siyaasiyiint WADDANI.28.05.17

Hargeysa(SM):-Xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee WADDANI, ayaa tartan ciyaareedkii ay ugu tallo-galeen bisha barakeysan ee Ramadaan ay ku fureen qaab noociisu ku cusub yahay dalka, waxaana ay sheegeen in tartan ciyaareedkaasi ay ugu tallo-galeen in ay ku xusaan saraakiisha Xisbiga WADDANI ee muddooyinkii dambe ku xidhnaa jeelka weyn ee Hargeysa.

DAAWO, Muuqaalka Warkaas,

DAAWO, Sawirada Warkaas,
Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and weddingImage may contain: 6 people, people standingImage may contain: 4 peopleImage may contain: 3 people, people standingImage may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people standingImage may contain: 2 people, people standingImage may contain: 1 person, standingImage may contain: one or more people, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 3 peopleImage may contain: 1 person, playing a sport and outdoorImage may contain: 7 people, people standing, wedding and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 12 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 14 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 11 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 14 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, grass and outdoorImage may contain: 12 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 9 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people playing sports, sky and outdoor