United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)


United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)

For Immediate Release


UN Envoy looks forward to HLPF Copenhagen

Copenhagen, 18 November 2014 – Ahead of the start of a High-Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) in Copenhagen on 19 November, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has urged the Federal Government of Somalia and its international partners to remain focused on delivering the tangible benefits of the New Deal to the Somali people.

“The New Deal is about the people, for the people and with the people of Somalia,” said SRSG Nicholas Kay. “It is the process of ensuring that after more than two decades of conflict and instability, the Somali people are able to reap the benefits of improved security and governance. The United Nation will do its utmost to support Somalia on the journey ahead.”

Xafiiska Hawlgalka Qaramada Midoobay ee Kaalmaynta Soomaaliya UNSOM)

Faafin Degdeg ah

Rajada Ergeyga QM ee ku aaddan Madasha Wax Wadaqabsiga Heerka Sare ee Copenhagen

Copenhagen, 18 November 2014 – Ka hor inta aanay billaaban Madasha Wax Wadaqabsiga Heerka Sare (HLPF) taas oo ka dhacaysa Copenhagen 19ka November, ayaa Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay (SRSG) u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Nicholas Kay wuxuu ku boorriyay Dowladda Federaalka iyo saaxiibadeeda caalamka inay diiradda sii saaraan ka miradhalinta faa’iidooyinka Hiigsiga Cusub u leeyahay Dadka Soomaaliyeed.

“Hiigsiga Cusub wuxuu ku saabsanyahay dadka Soomaaliyeed, waxaana iska leh dadka Soomaaliyeed wuxuuna garab taaganyahay dadka Soomaaliyeed,” ayuu yiri SRSG Nicholas Kay. “Waa hannaan lagu xaqiijinaayo arrintaas. Kadib muddo kabadan labaatan sano oo lagu jiray colaad iyo xasillooni la’aan, dadka Soomaaliyeed waxay heli karaan faa’iidooyinka ku jiro amaan iyo dowladnimo hagaagsan. Qaramada Midoobay waxay intii karaankeeda ah ku garab taagnaan doontaa dadka Soomaaliyeed socdaalka loogu jiro xaqiijinta arrimahaas.”
