talented Foreign Affairs Minister will be forever grateful for his invaluable service

talented Foreign Affairs Minister will be forever grateful for his invaluable service

August 1st, 2013 Comments Off

After three years of an exhausting schedule of crossing the world selling Somaliland’s foreign policy, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar had in no way lost the energy, ability and determination to stick around his duty from the day one! He was resolutely determined to remain actively involved to all major diplomatic fronts without any compromise upon the sovereignty and integrity of Somaliland Republic.

Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar represented the unconquerable qualities of our nation and his matchless-commitment, courage, self-discipline and devotion to Somaliland will be forever remembered.

At a time of growing antagonism, hatred and resentment towards the existence of our nation aimed solemnly at destabilization and damaging of our home country, the Republic of Somaliland has been extremely lucky to have a talented, spirited, dynamic and competent Foreign Minister.

Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar has been proactive and indefatigably shown the ability to adapt to unpredictable geo-political events that required a continuous vigilance and give and take policy strategy. He applied a clever diplomatic approach that gave priority to the wide-ranging national interests with which he was able to restructure the many obstinacy elements that have hindered Somaliland’s cause.

Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar has not only uplifted Somaliland’s cause and case into the international diplomatic arenas, but he has also safeguarded, strengthened and consolidated the economic and political interests of Somaliland in the world stage. The Minister has succeeded in to export the best product of our country to abroad. He convinced to everyone the benefits and the need why the rest of the world should cooperate with the Republic of Somaliland.

Before the government of President Ahmed Silaanyo came to power, Somaliland was a completely out of sight, remote and anonymous country that no one missed or noticed of its presence at regional and international policy levels. Years and years of self-imposed exclusion rendered to our country neither player nor spectator in relation to an effective involvement in the regional and international political, economic and diplomatic platforms.

Within a short period, Dr. Mohamed Abdilahi Omar has spearheaded a different but smart foreign policy approach which already resulted that our country made overtures into the right direction. For the last three years, Somaliland’s Foreign Policy approach was a kind of promising and an encouraging sign for all peace and development loving Somaliland citizens. It highlighted Somaliland’s democratic achievements and experiences that would serve as an example and provide useful lessons for all other African countries to learn and serve as a model in enhancing stability, democracy and development in the Horn of Africa.

Constructive approaches, broad public consultation, breaking through the diplomatic barriers, reshaping the aloof and cautious policy and what formerly was regarded as a diplomatic taboo was the face-defining that made the Somaliland’s foreign policy of the past three years so unique and special.

Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar was someone with a far-reaching diplomatic understanding, a competent and talented top diplomat who was equipped with common sense of doing diplomatic business. He has an all-inclusive and concise understanding of the contemporary regional and international politics. By right decision at the right time, by convenient approach and pro-active performance he has been able to rule out in advance any surprise or diplomatic failures.

During his ministerial office, there has been almost permanent and unfounded media hostility and negative campaign from some biased media outlets towards the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation. They were continuously spreading false and damaging stories; they lied or twisted the truth about the Minister and his national duties, with the sole intention to hurt him.

However, those unsubstantiated negative noises have never been able to stop him doing his job. They have never succeeded to discourage or distract the Foreign Minister from realizing his ambition and goals. He was adamantly eager to follow the courage of his conviction which enabled him to serve and safeguard the geo-political interest of our country and people.

Somaliland will be eternally thankful to the former Minister of foreign affairs Dr. Mohamed Abdilahi Omar for his invaluable service and unflagging dedication to Somaliland’s foreign affairs office. He is on the right side of the history.

|By : Architectural-Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh | |Hussein Deyr||UK|