Hargeisa deputy mayor (Councillo​r Abulaziz Mohamed Hashi) posses all concepts and successful qualities to become a future Leader)

Hargeisa deputy mayor (Councillo​r Abulaziz Mohamed Hashi) posses all concepts and successful qualities to become a future Leader) By Ismail Lugweyne

9Hargeisa deputy mayor (Councillor Abulaziz Mohamed Hashi ), who is at present in official visit to UK, has all concepts and successful qualities to become a future Leader. Today December 18, 2013, he will meet and address the Diasporas here in London with regard all the issues in general in Somali-land local governments and in particular, Hargeisa local government.

Ambassador kayse Abdillahi who organized the visit for the deputy mayor has also taken great role for the job assignment engaged by Abdulaziz. During their, they already convene wit the mayor of Bristol Mr. Farooq choudary on behalf of the city of Bristol. An article with regard his attributes and events during his visit in UK is under preparation and will be forwarded shortly for publishing, as he still fully engaged with his assignments here UK. You are requested publishing for the same upon forwarding

Thanks and Best Regards,
Ismail Lugweyne
