Regional Leader of Belet weyne Mr Laqanyo says It was a war “beteen two clans” That is the opposite of the truth

Regional Leader of Belet weyne Mr Laqanyo says It was a war “beteen two clans” That is the opposite of the truth

article The regional leader Farah Laqanyo’s fluent double speak

There is another instance of Farah Laqanyo’s of being less than completely candid flowing Laqanyo’s interview over the phone  Hassan Adde presenter of Somali Channel conducted.  This is a fascinating and very significant, if we are to take this statement at its word, there is one logical conclusion to be drawn even though it contradicted one of his central conclusions.  It just doesn’t make a sense.

Here is a YouTube video showing him by denying over the atrocities and then making it.

judging from his double speek, here is at again in the new statesman.  Here is the relevant quote:

“There was a continues war between two clans and there was a hit and run war for both sides. Frankly, we have put more anger to stabiles the police and tranquility for both sides consequently this has occurred. Nonetheless it is a good sign to restore a peace process and there has been an ongoing negotiation for both sides and they have both excepted willingly. Ultimately we are hoping there situation will resume in a good shape.

Question 1: Mr Laqanyo as you are fully aware there has been a growing condemnation about this indiscriminating killings who do you was responsible for these horrific attacks?

Laqanyo replied “Of course , the condemnation is un deniable to the fact that there is no something we are hiding but what’s true and what’s not is questionable, subsequently there was a war that started to rise up immense tension. This depriving war has been ongoing for the last 23 years; and it is not something which is new to our people. We are very sorry about this absurdity, the agreement signed for both sides will be implementing soon, we are expecting people live side by side peacefully.

Question 2: How much are you aware that these atrocities committed by your troops in the name of federal government lead by you?

Laqanyo replied “The A.U troops Djibouti and Ethiopian and federal government are patrolling everywhere and these allegations are baseless. Of course there have been brutal attacks and houses and farms were burnt into rubble. The houses and farms and this has not happened in the history of Belet Wayne.

Couple months ago, colonel Osman Dubad who is leader  Djabouti troops African Union mission in Somalia Djabouti (AUM) peacekeeping in Belet weyne have received  a warning message from regional leader by setting a deadline for the expulsion of  most “non- Hawadle clan” ,  Laqanyo said people must leave within 48 hours.  The expulsion order has taken Djabouti army by surprise.


But if Laqany’s beliefs lead on to action, that has been condemned especially violent action, taken for moral reasons then I think he is  obliged to examine his views.

Anyone who examines the above atrocities with cool reason and factual knowledge. People will make them anyway, but one has to do what one can  I have also recently learnt how badly were attacked as their homes violantly attacked by Federal Government troos using militery gear,as if they were invading some hostile nation.  For what reason? kill  innocent people,all in the name Federal Government weopns that is about a SERIOUS their livelihood become tar- tar on quite unprecedented scale  with loss of almost their property, their shelter and firms were also burnt this is awaking of sickening year, and national disgrace.