Somaliland: Rights Center Condemns GBV as it Urges Women Leadership Quota During and After 2015 Slated Elections

Somaliland: Rights Center Condemns GBV as it Urges Women Leadership Quota During and After 2015 Slated Elections

Saturday, 08 March 2014 21:43

Somaliland Human Rights Center Press Release 8/3/2014

Somalilandsun – Women around the world today commemorate 8th March to mark their struggle for fundamental freedoms and rights. On the celebration of the International Women’s Day 2014, Human Rights Center requests the government and the people of Somaliland to strengthen their commitment against gender based violence and gender inequality.

Let us take this opportunity to feel the agony and misery of many girls and women around the county who live on daily basis with female gentile mutilation (FGM), rape, domestic violence and other forms of gender based violence.

Clan leaders’ interference in the criminal prosecution of rape cases remains to be obstacle in attainment of justice for the victims of gender based violence in general and rape in particular.

Human Rights Center calls attention to women’s political rights. Human Rights Center reiterates the political parties, the parliament and the government to wholeheartedly support quota for women in the upcoming 2015 election. Quota will help women to increase their political participation.

The theme for the International Women’s Day 2014 is “Equality for Women is Progress for All”. Realizing this in Somaliland requires political willingness and commitment. Somaliland constitution guarantees equality for all citizens of Somaliland irrespective of colour, clan, birth, language, gender, property, status, opinion etc.

Women shall have equal job opportunity in the private sector, and female domestic workers shall enjoy the employment rights stipulated in the Labour Law.

Mulaho Mohamed Ali

Spokesperson of Human Rights Center

Hargeisa Somaliland