FCO Press Release: Foreign Secretary congratulates Iraqi people on voting in national elections

FCO Press Release: Foreign Secretary congratulates Iraqi people on voting in national elections




Foreign Secretary congratulates Iraq on holding elections and stresses importance of an inclusive political process.


Commenting on Iraq’s elections being heldtoday, the Foreign Secretary William Hague said:


“I congratulate the people of Iraq on their national elections today.


“Despite the serious challenges that Iraq faces, it is inspiring to see that millions of Iraqis have seized the opportunity to choose their new government and I pay tribute to their courage and commitment to the future of their country. I condemn those who have sought to disrupt the elections through terrorist attacks.  




“Now voting is over, I hope that all parties will demonstrate respect and patience whilst the ballots are counted and checked. It will be vital for Iraq’s future that today’s election is part of a fully inclusive political process that represents and considers the needs of all Iraqis”


Abdihafid Mahamud Jama  London