Somaliland Diaspora Here In UK Recognized Mohamed Yusuf Dirqadhiidh As Global Citizen Of Somaliland In View Of His Charter That Promoted Uniting Somaliland Community In UK

Somaliland Diaspora Here I

We live in a world in which basic values such as kindness, humility and compassion are not often given the importance they are due. In the media, selfish and arrogant behavior patterns are often glorified. It is also common for people to get so caught up in day-to-day responsibilities and personal insecurities, that they lose sight of their goals for personal development.Recovering your sense of integrity or goodness, begins with identifying your personal values. Goodness is the first step to success and happiness.

We can often turn to religion for guidance, but ultimately we should learn to define our own morals ourselves. One of the simplest ways to do so is to care for others, and treat them as you would like to be treated. Try to think of others before yourself. Even doing small things daily will greatly enrich and improve your life, and the lives of others around you. To be a good person is not easy because you have to believe in people and people you cannot see.

Some people think that being a good person is as simple as not doing harm to another, but it is not always about what you did not, but what you do for others. You might not a bad person a good person. What qualities do you admire in them, and how can you develop the same ones. Keep your role model close to you, like a friendly spirit that is always at your side.

Think how they would respond to a question or circumstance and how they would respond in the same manner. Think of ways that you can better embody these qualities you admire. Think of how to apply those qualities in your work, creative pursuits, personal relationships, diet and lifestyle. Few qualities of good person are the following.

Resourcefulness,Respect,Responsibility,self-Discipline,Sensitivity,Service,Sincerity, Tolerance, Trust, Teamwork, Vision, Wisdom, Thoroughness, Thriftiness, Discretion, Duty, Enthusiasm, Excellence, Fairness, Flexibility, Forgiveness, Generosity, Gratefulness, Honesty, Hospitality, Humility, Humor, loyalty, kindness, integrity, justice, initiative, innovation, Innovation ,Joy ,Justice, Compassion, Courtesy, Dedication, Determination.

There are various factors that indicate every community living in particular region, district, and neighborhood, quarters, localities, town or a country has common shared interest that bond the community on each other that influences unity. In view of his cooperation with every sector of the society and the assistance that he extends to all level of the society at all times, Somali-land community here in UK awarded and recognized Mohamed Yusuf Dirqadhiidh a honorary certificate of global citizen of Somali-land and shortly an event recognizing his role will be marked and televised via the TV screens.

The world has become a global village due to technological advances in communications and other spheres of human endeavor. Being global citizen of Somali-land creates international cooperation on all levels, uniting everyone and making the humankind a better and safer place for all; the mentality of “us against them” has caused untold, useless suffering worldwide. Broad usage, Global citizenship has much the same meaning as the human race citizen.

It typically defines a person who places their identity with a global community above their identity as a citizen of a particular nation or place. The idea is that one’s identity transcends geography or political borders and that the planetary human community is interdependent and whole; humankind is essentially one. Global citizenship sometimes described as Global Citizen Movement similar to Mondialisation movement.

Citizen refers to an identity between a person and a city, state or nation and their right to work live and participate politically in a particular geographic area. When combined with the term global, it typically defines a person who places their identity with a global community above their identity as a citizen of a particular nation or place. The idea is that one’s identity transcends geography or political borders and that responsibility or rights are or can be derived from membership in broader class humanity.

This does not mean that such a person denounces or waives their nationality or clan other, more local identities, but such identities are given second place to their membership in a global community. Extended, the idea leads to questions about the state of global society. Global citizenship most often used to describe a set of values necessary for human development considering priorities. The concept of global citizenship has influenced international awards for those volunteered in view of their compassion for offered for helping humanity. Citizenship is defined by being a member with rights and responsibilities. Global citizenship, in some contexts, may refer to a brand of ethics or political philosophy in which it is proposed that the core core political, economic and environment realities of the world today should be addressed at all levels by individuals, civil society organizations, communities and nation states through a global lens.

Possibility that citizenship becomes a changed institution; even if situated within territorial boundaries that are national, if the meaning of the national itself has changed, then the meaning of being a citizen of that nation changes. The world is an awfully big place and there are accordingly a huge number of things that you can do to make it an even more incredible place to live. Volunteering with a local charity is a great way to improve the world around you. Take pride in where you live. Take care of and take pride in the area where you live. This preserves the area not just for you but for everyone else in your community. If you have the opportunity to help, take it because not everyone will have the chance. Donate to the right charities. If you want to help people across the world, it’s important to give to charities that provide the right kind of help and provide it where it will do the most good.

Charities which create sustainable good in areas where it is needed are the best and will do the most good. When we work together, everything runs more smooth set a good example. Set a good example for your friends and family members, and educate them on the issues so that they can make good decisions too. Help them to understand why these things are important, so that they’re also motivated to change their lives. By changing a few minds you can double, triple, or even more greatly increase your positive impact on the world. Almost any occupation that you get can have a positive impact on your community. You’ll be providing a service to people who want it and adding to the economy in your immediate area, improving the lot of everyone around you. Let your attitude show everyone that a smile and hopeful attitude can really improve the day of everyone around you. Be helpful to everyone. We have lots of opportunities to be nice and helpful to other people every day.

It is always good to do someone a favor. Never be afraid to help someone out. Feel welcome in whatever region of the world where you happen to find yourself. Consider each individual on his own merits and repeal unfounded popular myths about certain nations and peoples. Don’t refer to your special group if you intend your message to be universal. Learn from wise people and redistribute your knowledge. Learn about the past in order to help build a better future. Bring together people and organizations to promote the practice of global citizenship and build a values-based, sustainable world community. Value each human as you value your own. Be tolerant and respectful of the other people’s. Global citizenship involves understanding the forces that affect cross-cultural connections and being committed to a global community based on human interdependence, equality, and justice. Global Citizen is a human being who lives intellectually, morally and physically in the present.

A World Citizen accepts the dynamic fact that the planetary human community is interdependent and whole, that humankind is essentially one. A global Citizen is a peaceful and peacemaking individual, both in daily life and contacts with others. As a global person, a global Citizen relates directly to humankind and to all fellow humans spontaneously, generously and openly. Mutual trust is basic to his/her lifestyle. Politically, a global Citizen accepts a sanctioning institution of representative government, expressing the general and individual sovereign will in order to establish and maintain a system of just and equitable world law with appropriate legislative, judiciary and enforcement bodies. A global Citizen makes this world a better place to live in harmoniously by studying and respecting the viewpoints of fellow citizens from anywhere in the globe.

Global citizenship today implies the joining of the perennial wisdom of humankind with up-to-the-minute geo-political and geo-technical reality. Global citizenship, then, is the only dynamic and imperative political identity capable of re-linking the conceptual or moral value of the human being with the social and economic organization of his/her now planetary community. It expresses both the innate and inalienable sovereignty of each human as well as the overall sovereignty of the human species to which he/she belongs, also innately and inalienably. Thus fulfills at once the criteria for ethical as well as ethical politics. Also, it connotes a plan of ongoing political action at all levels of social activity, local to global. Today, with virtually no distance and no time between humans, each person is the focus of a global input.

Everything happening in the world affects, sooner or later, each individual. With computers and satellites, the input to the individual has become fully supranational. The world is an awfully big place and there are accordingly a huge number of things that you can do to make it an even more incredible place to live. But sometimes having so many options can be overwhelming and there may be ways that you can help that you never thought about before. Volunteering with a local charity is a great way to improve the world around you. Take pride in where you live. Take care of and take pride in the area where you live. This preserves the area not just for you but for everyone else in your community. If you have the opportunity to help, take it because not everyone will have the chance. Donate to the right charities. If you want to help people across the community, it’s important to give to charities that provide the right kind of help and provide it where it will do the most good. Charities which create sustainable good in areas where it is needed are the best and will do the most good.

No one is born a good citizen; no nation is born a democracy. Rather, both are processes that continue to evolve over a lifetime. Young people must be included from birth. A society that cuts off from its youth severs its lifeline. Ordinary men and women may often feel unmotivated to exert their citizenship, either because they cannot tell the difference between the different alternatives, or because they have lost faith in the political classes, or because they feel that the really important issues are not in their power to decide. Creating harmony amidst diversity is a fundamental issue of the twenty-first century. While celebrating the unique characteristics of different peoples and cultures, we have to create solidarity on the level of our common humanity, our common life. Without such solidarity, there will be no future for the human race. Diversity should not beget conflict in the world, but richness. Earth is originally a green oasis with no need for national borders; it is the venue for the shared existence of humankind, the embodiment of our common destiny. The times demand that we rethink the questions: to what end national identity? to what purpose national borders? No matter how complex global challenges may seem, we must remember that it is we ourselves who have given rise to them. It is therefore impossible that they are beyond our power as human beings to resolve. Returning to our humanity, reforming and opening up the inner capacities of our lives, can enable reform and empowerment on a global scale.

Be nice. A lot of the time we can get so caught up in working to improve the globe as a whole that we forget there are lots of things that we can do every day at home that have a positive impact too. One of the best things you can do easily and every day are to treat others how you want to be treated. Do something nice for someone as often as you can. In general Global Citizen is a person who places global citizenship above any nationalistic or local identities and relationships. Other facets about the world citizenship which include includes the promotion of human honor and dignity, understanding, harmony, co-operation, trustworthiness, compassion and the desire to serve can be deduced from those already mentioned. Finally, global citizenship, generally deliver goodwill and promote human understanding on each other and a consequence Somali-land Diaspora here in UK recognized Mohamed Yusuf Dirqadhiidh as global citizen of Somali-land in view of his charter that links societies on each other for good purpose that generated brotherhood among community which is noticed by the entire community without exception. We anticipate his character will influence similar personalities that we will recognize them as additional global citizens. In concision, the public figures that intimated the submission are the following.

1. Faisal Aw Muse

2. Ahmed Mohamed Egeh, nick named – Ahmed Xano.

3. Bashir Mohamoud Yusuf.

4. Muse Gaagaale

5. Mohamed Warsame Boss.

6. Abdirahman Abdiallahi, nick named – Abdi Dheere.

7. Hassan Muse

8. Ahmed Wali Sheikh Omar Goth.

9. Abdirahman Shaqale.

10. Mohidein Sheik Mohamoud Yare.

11. Abdillahi Camoud, nick named – Gamaame

12. Hassan Salin

13. Hassan Hussin, nick named- Nabaado,

14. Muse A. Jimcaale.

To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.A person’s reputation is like a glass panel that remains protected till it remains fitted in the strong and durable frame of the good character. Focus your attention on the quality of your words, and not the quantity, because few sensible talks attract millions of listeners more than a thousand gibberish. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. Finally, without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us. When our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighboring communities. The best way to find you is to lose yourself in the service of others. Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another. All historical experience demonstrates the following: Our earth cannot be changed unless in the not too distant future an alteration in the consciousness of individuals is achieved and your inner strength is your outer foundation.

Ismail Yousuf Lugweyne

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