The appointment Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge as Somaliland deputy Fishery minister has received a broad spectrum reception across Somaliland in view of the background of this noble family


Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge originated from respected noble family from somaliland that was famous for poetry sons, revolutionary and liberation struggle. The two brothers (Ahmed and Mohamded) had played countless songs that we consider it as a poetic or poetic sound that still refreshes in our memories and will remain over a long period to come. Previously, I have written an article about Mohamed Moogeh liiban tilted as “Mohamed Moogeh liiban was a person of multiple qualities and talents and as result captured our minds at all times” which you will find in Google in the event anyone wish that article. Despite the fact that both brothers have passed away almost over two decades, however, their songs are without challenge leading the Somali music industry in addition of their revolutionary personalities.

With regard the current issue of my concern related to appointment Abdikarim as deputy, imageknowing the successful qualitative that we experienced from him, unquestionably, Abdikarim will contribute the ministry an added value which will be beneficial to somaliland and in particular the ministry. On the subject of youth participation for Somali-land shaping for national development, these days, the commonly accepted view on the topic youth and political participation has moved beyond the theory illustrates young people as unsympathetic and uninterested in politics. On the contrary, it is widely acknowledged that they are very political, being even more active than a majority of adults.

Young people’s political engagement is mainly confined to new forms of participation, as traditional politics feels unrepresentative and unable to address the concerns associated with contemporary youth culture.It is wonderful that youth’s manifold contributions to their families, communities, societies, and the public are being finally acknowledged, but there is one recurring thought I get whenever I read about the new ways in which young people engage with the political: how much influenced youth really have through these new modes of participation? Are they truly at the decision-making table on issues that interest and affect them? Recognizing something until recently overlooked, does not necessarily entail its augmentation. In other words, does decision-makers’ admitting that young people do have a voice, also make it stronger.

Young people in the Somali-land are more inclined than the rest of the population to sign petitions, display a badge or sticker, participate in demonstrations, and express their political views in online forums. Transformation, not decline is what best depicts youth political participation. Feeling excluded from mainstream forms of influencing political decision-making, young people are in alternative modes of participation. They try to influence political decision-makers and policies through alternative channels of action, some of which are considered excessive or even on the margins of democratic means. Youth’s new forms of participation are:Youth engagement is a central principal of youth development

According to the ecological perspective of human development, young people are agents of their own development. Youth are more than passive recipients of external influences; instead they are actively involved in shaping their development by interacting with the people and opportunities made available within their environments.Through youth engagement, communities can do a better job of creating the services that young people need to develop in healthy ways. Youth engagement offers community leaders the expertise and partnership of young people, helping adults fully understand what it is like to grow up in a rapidly changing in many parts of the world.In conclusion, from a political point of view, youth engagement is important because young people deserve the right to represent their own interests. Youth civic engagement is also critically important to prepare young people to be active citizens in a democracy. What are the benefits of youth engagement? Youth engagement is a win-win proposition. Young people benefit by gaining skills, knowledge, self-esteem, and disconnectedness. Adults benefit by enhancing their own competencies, learning to better understand and value youth, and increasing their commitment and energy to their organizations.

Depending on young people’s interests and skills, youth influence on organisations can occur at various levels, ranging from involvement through consultation to shared leadership.Utilizing meaningful youth participation can contribute to structuring programs, policies and services that affect young people’s lives to adequately address their needs and interests as well as benefiting and contributing to the organisation’s success. By meaningfully engaging young people individuals gain skills and a sense of empowerment and make healthy connections with positive role models, benefits of youth political participation include: Youth and adults benefit from each others’ skills, knowledge and capacities. Enhanced organisational development as new energy, fresh ideas and enthusiasm is brought into. Additional data for analysis and planning that is obtained by youth. Additional human resources by sharing responsibilities between adults and youth. Increased acceptance of organisation’s services, messages and decisions as youth contributed to shape them. Increased competencies, self-esteem and skill and knowledge. Enhanced individual development as it provides youth with opportunities to generate real community change. Increased status and stature in the community. Increased self discipline and time management. Insight into multiple roles of adults and broader career choices. Meaningful youth participation can enhance a young person’s sense of conceitedness, belonging and Feeling of being valued, which con contribute to positive mental health.

Social competencies: Youth build social skills and learn how to interact in new settings, develop empathy for other perspectives, and build teamwork and a sense of responsibility. Self confidence: Youth recognize that they have knowledge and insight, which leads to a sense of personal efficacy. Identity exploration: Youth take on new roles as researchers, elevators, and action planners, broadening their perspectives as well as their sense of empowerment and possibilities. Civic competencies: The experience of being heard and having one’s voice matter increases a sense of social responsibility and may lead to greater youth civic engagement. Social capital: Youth build new relationships with peers and adults. These new connections can help with future opportunities (e.g., programs and employment)

Better access to data: The task of obtaining relevant data from youth is often handled more effectively by youth than adults. Improved data collection tools: Collaborating with young people in developing data collection instruments helps to ensure that tools are “youth friendly,” i.e., use language that youth understand and relate to. This could potentially lead to the collection of more valid information. Democratization of knowledge: Through youth engagement in prograames young people contribute to creating knowledge; they also develop skills to participate in a democratic society. Increased understanding/better interpretation of results: Youth perspectives on the meaning of findings are often different from adult interpretations. Discussions about data can be very enlightening when multiple viewpoints are taken into account. Addressing community needs and challenges: Young people have a unique understanding of local challenges that impact their peers; they can offer creative approaches and solutions to community needs and problems.

New generation of youth leaders can help develop a cadre of young people who have a growing sense of civic responsibility, who possess analytically and organizing skills, and who are ready to address the challenges faced by their community. Increased activism and advocacy: Many youth participatory evaluation and research projects use findings to bring about change in schools, families, and towns, raising awareness of social issues that impact youth and increasing public will to address these issues. Improved inter-generational communication: YPE enhances respect and collaboration between youth and adults. Improved programming: With youth input, programs can become stronger, more appropriate, and better able to meet youth needs. Increased youth participation in programmatic decision making: Involvement in program evaluation can lead to overall increased youth engagement in programme governance and in conclusion youth engagement is unique practical programming that will will shape our future youth leadership. finally, the appointment Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge as Somali-land deputy Fishery minister has received a broad spectrum reception across Somali-land in view of the background of this noble family.

Ismail Yusuf.