The song played by Mohamed Saed -BK (Nolasha-cusub) stands today and years to come unbreakable…..


The song played by Mohamed Saed -BK (Nolasha-cusub) stands today and years to come unbreakable record with regard to Somali songs, as it is unique and talk of the towns everywhere at present.

We the Somalis have the culture to appreciate the politicians, but never considers our singers who pleases our ears and emotions at all time that Mr. Saed Mohamed is leasing at present.   This article is about a singer whose song named as new life (Nolasha-cusub)) has pleased the ears of millions of Somalis around a globe. Subsequent to release the subject song to media, less than six months period, almost 604,000 have attended to listen in the subject song. Although in fact, I hardly interested listening Somali music, however, I have noticed through the media an issue related to the question of this song raised by two song writers and as result situation has influenced me to participate the subject debate. However, following a search, I have bring to a close that, the song played by young singer Mohamed Saed (BK) written and composed by Abdirazak Hamuud Aidded (Jiilaane) is leading song in contrast to all Somali songs at present and past. The words of the songs are based on philosophical expressions. The music of the songs extremely pleases our ears and emotions and the style the singer demonstrated and presented the for the song meet to the best of any imagination. In reality, no song similar to this one has ever been played for the last  two generations. This song is like poem style.Music song is a composition for voice performed by singing or alongside music instrument. The Lyrics are a set of words that make up song, usually consisting of verses and choruses) songs are typically of poem rhyming nature.  


 Music is one of the key elements of harmonious life and also our best ally when we want to run party or simply spend some time listening to your favorite radio station. Is the most popular music identifier app available on iTunes.  Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t. Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life. Good song music must repeat the thought and inspirations of the people and the time. When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had, and never will have. There are many criteria to choose the best songs top number of songs. While there is no general agreement regarding the greatest song and no uniform criteria for evaluating results, many publishers and organizations have produced these lists – of songs considered the best. However, the unsurpassed criteria is consider the number of attendee or taking an opinion poll, sometimes simply referred to as a poll, is a survey of public opinion from particular sample survey opinion sample.


 Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within Concept the expressiveness of emotions in music appearances emotions which holds that music expresses emotion without feeling it. Objects can convey emotion because their structures can contain certain characteristics that resemble emotional expression. “The resemblance that counts most for music’s expressiveness is between music’s temporally unfolding dynamic structure and configurations of human behavior associated with the expression of emotion. The observer can note emotions from the listener’s posture, gait, gestures, attitude, and comportment. Performance features refers to the manner in which a piece of music is executed by the performer(s). These are broken into two categories, performer skills and performer state. Performer skills are the compound ability and appearance of the performer; including physical appearance, reputation and technical skills. The performer state is the interpretation, motivation, and stage presence of the performer. Listener features refers to the individual and social identity of the listener(s). This includes their personality, knowledge of music, and motivation to listen to the music. Which emotion is perceived is dependent on the context of the piece of music.


 The song played by Mohamed Saied is considered as Philosophical type taken into consideration, the sensation and the emotion expressed by the singer that attracted and pleased to audiences of the song.. Philosophy of music is the study of fundamental questions about the nature of music and our experience of it. . However, unlike philosophy of science, say, the target of philosophy of music is a practice most people have a significant background in, merely as a result of being members of a musical culture. Music plays a central role in many people’s lives. Music is perhaps the art that presents the most philosophical puzzles. In conclusion, it is unquestionable that, this sing will remain unchallenged for many years to come and no one is capable of being challenged or proved wrong in view of the explanation detailed in the above.Last, but not least, in the event good songs, we are obliged to say Mabrook to the performance and as consequences, I am expressing my appreciation the young singer (Saeed) for his song described above. We anticipate similar songs from his end will follow shortly.                  


Ismail Yusuf.