Deputy UN Special Representative for Somalia welcomes Kismayo Reconciliation Conference

Deputy UN Special Representative for Somalia welcomes Kismayo Reconciliation Conference.


Kismayo, 17 September 2014 – The Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Somalia, Fatiha Serour, welcomed the start of a reconciliation conference in Kismayo as a positive step towards consolidating peace in the region and furthering Somalia’s state-building process.

The conference, officially opened on 16 September by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, aims to build on the gains made at the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement in August 2013 and at the Jubba Reconciliation Conference in Mogadishu in November 2013.

“The people and leaders of the Interim Jubba Administration clearly desire peace, and this reconciliation process is a manifestation of those wishes,” DSRSG Serour said at the opening ceremony. “I urge participants to create an environment that allows the conference to develop resolutions that are inclusive of all stakeholders – particularly women, youth and elders, regardless of social or economic status – and contribute to Somalia’s wider peace- and state-building processes.

“This reconciliation process is also important as an avenue to develop a roadmap for the Interim Jubba Administration to continue to build its capacity – there are milestones that must be achieved in order to move forward with the state formation process,” she added.

DSRSG Serour thanked the Federal Government of Somalia, the Leader of the Interim Jubba Administration, Sheikh Ahmed Islam Madobe and his administration, as well as international partners, including the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Japan, the European Union, Turkey and Italy, for making the reconciliation conference possible and for supporting Somalia’s peace-building goals.

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Ku-xigeenka Ergayga-Gaarka ah ee Xog-hayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya oo soo dhowaysay Shirka dib-uheshiisiinta Kismayo  
Kismayo, 17 Sebtember 2014 – Ku-xigeenka Ergayga-Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha-Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya (DSRSG), Fatiha Serour, ayaa soo dhowaysay Shirka  dib-uheshiisiinta  ee ka bilowday Kismayo, maadaama uu shirka yahay talaabo loo qaaday dhinaca  wanaagan laguna adkaynayo nabadda gobolka, sidoo-kalena lagu horumarinayo habka qaran dhiska Soomaaliya.
Shirka, oo uu Madaxwayne  Xasan Sheikh Maxamud, u furay si rasmi ah, 16 Sebtember, ayaa lagu wadaa in lagu horumariyo guuliyii ka dhashay Heshiiskii lagu saxiixay Addis Ababa bishii Agoosto 2013 iyo heshiiskii lagu saxiixay Shirkii dib-u heshiisinta Jubba, saxiixaas oo ka dhacay Muqdisho bishii Nofember 2013.    

“Dadka iyo Madaxda Maamulka ku-meelgaarka ah ee Jubba waxay si cad u doonayaan nabad, shirkan dib-uheshiisiintuna wuxuu ka turjumayaa rabitaankaas,” ayay tiri Ku –xigeenka Ergayga Gaarka ah, Fatiha, furitaankii shirka. “ Waxaan ku guubaabinayaa dhamaan ka qayb-galayaasha shirka in ay abuuraan jawi u suurta gelinaya shirka in ay ka soo baxaan  qaraaro ay u wada dhanyihiin dhamaan dadka ay arrintu khusayso- sida haweenka,  dhalinyaradda,  odayaasha dhaqanka, ayada oo aan loo eegaynin sida ay tahay xaladooda  bulsho amaba dhaqaale– waana in ay  ka qayb-qaataan habka nabad soo celinta iyo qaran dhiska guud ee  ummadda Soomaaliya.        

“Habkan dib-uheshiisiinta ahi wuxuu  kale oo uu muhiim u yahay sidii Maamulka ku- meelgaarka ah ee Jubba  uu u samaysan lahaa qorsho-howleed uu kor oogu qaadayo wacyigiisa ama awoodiisa  waxqabad- waxaana loo baahan yahay in la gaaro guulo waxtar leh si horay loo gu mariyo habka maamul dhisidda”, ayay tiri.  

DSRSG, Serour, waxay u mahad celisay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed, Hogaamiyaha Maamulka ku meel-gaarka ah ee Jubba, Sheikh Axmed Islan Madobe,  iyo Maamulkiisa, iyo jaalayaasha kale ee  ka socday bulshada caalamka, sida Urur Goboleedka IGAD, Jabaan,  Ururka Midowgga Yurub,  Turki, Italy, ku waas oo suurta geliyay in uu qabsoomo Shirka dib uheshiisiinta iyo taageeridda ay taageerayaan himilooyinka dadka Soomaaliyeed  ee ku aadan  naba samaynta.

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