The difference between compassion person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will


Our daily experiences teach us new situation which some of them may surprised us. Few days ago I have observerd few personalities that I classified them as heartless. Human being regardless any part of the world any religious believer and none believers share same feeling at the time someone live in suffering or face some sort of grievance.

Taken above into consideration, I have witnessed an occasion wherein a noble a relative passed away and the friends expected to express some sort of compassion or kindness did not even show any type of the expected Sympathy simply on tribal grounds. It appears that tribalism influenced them to reach a level far from any humanity.

Sympathy feeling which means fellow-feeling) is the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human being. This emphatic concern is driven by a switch in viewpoint, from a personal perspective to the perspective of another group or individual who is in need. Empathy and sympathy are often used interchangeably. Sympathy is a feeling, but the two terms have distinct origins and meanings. Empathy refers to the understanding and sharing of a specific emotional state with another person.


Sympathy does not require the sharing of the same emotional state. Instead, sympathy is a concern for the well-being of another. Although sympathy may begin with empathizing with the same emotion another person is feeling, empathy can be extended to other emotional states. The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

I have an Indian neighbor who had stroke few years back and every time that I see him, I express how much I am sorrowfulness about his sickness and a result of expressing my feelings, I always felt how much degree he is pleased with regard my Sympathy. Even though that Indian Hindus by religion, however, he is more human than many personalities that I know them. This indicates that you could have a friend of another country who is more human than people close to you. At firs instance, I  become a neighbor with this Indian friend ,he started giving advice which I consider very much beneficial to me.  Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and individuality. 


In order to get an experience of sympathy there are specific conditions that need to occur. These include: attention to a subject, believing that a person/group is in a state of need, and the specific characteristics of a given situation.

An individual must first give his or her attention to a person/group. Distractions severely limit the ability to produce strong affective responses. Without distractions, people are able to attend to and respond to a variety of emotional subjects and experiences. Attention facilitates the experience of sympathy, and without giving undivided attention to many situations sympathy cannot be experienced. The need of an individual/group is also considered to elicit sympathy. Varying states of need (such as perceived vulnerability or pain) require unique human reactions, ranging from attention to sympathy. A person with cancer might draw a stronger feeling of sympathy than a person with a cold.

The conditions which sympathy is deemed as an appropriate response are organized into individual differences and situational differences. The ways in which people think about human deservingness, interdependence, and vulnerability motivate sympathy. A person who seems ‘deserving’ of aid is more likely to be helped. A belief in human interdependence fuels sympathetic behaviour. Sympathy is also believed to be based on the principle of the powerful helping the vulnerable (young, elderly, sick).

This desire to help the vulnerable has been suggested to stem from the paternalistic nature of humans, in which they seek to protect and aid the children and the weak in their survival. People help others based on maternal/paternal instincts to care for their own children or family when they are in need. Individual moods, previous experiences, social connections, novelty, salience, and special proximity can also influence the experience of sympathy. Individuals experiencing positive mood states and people who have similar life experiences are more likely to produce sympathy. Special proximity, or when a person or group exists close geographically (such as neighbours and citizens of a given country), they will more likely experience sympathy towards each other. Similarly, social proximity follows the same pattern.. Both of these processes are based on the notion that people within the same group are interconnected and share successes and failures and therefore experience more sympathy towards each other than to out-group members, or social outsiders. New and emotionally provoking situations also represent an explanation for empathic emotions, such as sympathy. People seem to habituate to events that are similar in content and type and strength of emotion. Even though all mankind share identical feelings at the time we face sorrow, it is expected that we the Muslims should be more sympathetic at the time we experience suffering, let alone a Somali that you know him. The question is whist made these personalities heartless. I guess time will answer back.  in conclusion, my Indian neighbor is more human than many Somalis that I know them.   


Ismail Yusuf