UN Nicholas Kay expressed concern over the violence on 15 November during preparations for the parliamentary elections in Somaliland

United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)


For Immediate Release


UN Envoy to Somalia expresses concern over violence in Somaliland, urges parties to exercise restraint

UN Nicholas-KayMogadishu, 15 November 2014 – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has expressed concern over the violence on 15 November during preparations for the parliamentary elections in Somaliland. There have been reports that some members of parliament may have been detained and that the violence has led to a number of casualties.

“Somaliland has been making positive strides towards democratic elections. Violence risks setting these gains back,” said SRSG Nicholas Kay. “I call on all parties to exercise restraint. The democratic process should be fully respected.”